Saturday 24 May 2014

Part of my secret ;)

Yeah, it has been so long since i wrote here. So many stories that I wanna write here, but yeah, I still can't tell all about them. It's just like a syndrome in my heart, "alone syndrome" maybe so I keep them all inside and decided to not open them. Yeah, it hurts me, inside, that's why I don't wanna talk about that stories again, even to my mom, I don't wanna make it worse. I have tried it, and you know what? Seemed like gonna drink fish poison. Do you believe me? Yeah, many people won't believe me, my stories are just like the movies. But, believe it or not, they are my reasons to not go home again, except to do yeah some kinds that I won't mention them. It makes me sick. Like almost all the night I dream about them. It scares me. Yeah, absolutely no one know about them.

Okay, let's finish this damn miserable stories

Now, part of my life in the new town, Depok - West Java

I met many new friends that I though they would eat me, but I was totally wrong! They are kind although I bring my accent every I talk with slang language to them. I'm running for my dreams here by the way. I know, it's so hard to reaches it, but I think I wanna go through it. Especially, there's a boy who has successfully taken my heart away... Yeah, he doesn't know it, I'm a coward. But his existence is just like a morphine to me (Yeah, I take this from Twilight Saga's quote). I'm starting to get many happiness here. But there are some missing parts in my heart. Yeah, my mom and my sister aren't here, but I wish I can bring them all with me, with my dad, with my family that have already here.

So thanks, because you have read my writing here. It makes me better :)


  1. Keep Fight and cheer up, the beginning is always the hardest. but, don't give up :)

    Salam kenal. Luvi (part of KI) :)

    1. hey thanks a lot, nice to meet you. anyway ngomongnya disini KI aja yah jangan dipanjangin gak enak kalo tau orang2 hehe

  2. yeah, I absolutely know lah hehe. by the way, nice too meet you too :)

    1. KI lagi rame yah maap lagi sibuk sbmptn jadi belum sempet buka KI paling ngeblog doang. Kan kalo di KI pasti butuh waktu lumayan lama buat balesin trit2nya hehe

  3. haha. ngga rame" banget sih. btw aku jg sbmptn. jgn" km kls 3 sma skrg?

    1. iyaa hehehe sma mana? ambil jurusan apa?

  4. Aku di Al-Izzah IIBS, kamu? alhamdulillah sih udh ktrima di Fkg, hang tuah sby. sbm ak ambil Fk unair, fkg unair, sm gizi UI. km?

    1. Aku sekolah di sma 5 malang. Sbm.nya ambil komunikasi, psikologi, sama administrasi niaga, UI semua. Moga kita lolos deh ya :D. Bisa minta pin atau watssap? Email aja di :) thanks
